2017-2018 Day-Trading Journey

Hello friends/traders, it has been a while since I made a blog. My last couple of blogs were my top stock watch lists…. in 2018. In this blog, I do not plan on talking about my top picks for tomorrow but to tell you a bit about the beginning process in becoming a self-sufficient day-trader. Currently, I am sitting around over 15 thousand followers in all social media platforms combined (StockTwits + Twitter), have over 3 thousand members in my trading chatroom (which I opened up in the beginning of this year), already doubled my realized profits this year from last year (we just past the half year mark), and have helped several other traders become self-sufficient during the course of my journey (started trading in the stock market since February 2017). Now the question is… how was I able to achieve all this in a short amount of time?

Lets go back to where it all started. I will not tell you much about my personal life (yet) but 2 years ago, I was a cashier at Redners (which is a local supermarket like Walmart). It wasn’t all that bad, I was thankful to have very nice co-workers but the money I was making was not cutting it for the life-style that I wanted to have. I wanted to buy the things I wanted without worry about the money, pay off my parents loans, travel the world, etc etc. This was just not possible if I had kept being a cashier. So I was looking around for other alternatives. A friend told me about the stock market and I was deeply interested from the get go. The amount of money you could make is endless and the best thing about it was that you did not have to work under anyone! I didn’t waste any time and dove right into it. Opened up a Robinhood, watched a couple Youtube videos, followed some traders on Twitter, and thought to myself “this isn’t going to be that hard”. I was very wrong. One of the biggest mistakes that I have made when first starting out was putting ALL my money I had to my name into the stock market. I hope that no one ever does this, a good amount to start with is 100-1000 dollars (if you lose that, it isn’t the end of the world). This was a pretty emotional period of time for me (and I wish to never go back). I was working countless hours as a cashier trying to recover some of the money I had lost and had a lot of people tell me that what I was doing wasn’t worth it…

But I am a very persistent man and still saw the potential on how much I could make. I learned very early on that emotions played a huge part on how you trade (if you do not have the right mindset for trading, then you will lose a lot of money). I traded less and studied more. In my opinion, the best books you can read are: Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques by Steve Nison and Volume Price Analysis by Anna Coulling. Without these books, I wouldn’t even be near to the trader that I am today. Also shout out to WarriorDayTrader on Youtube, he is one of the best traders currently and has helped me a ton throughout this journey. My normal day would consist of working my regular job from sunrise to sunset, study the stock market, go to bed, and repeat. Soon enough I was able to turn things around. One of my best short term achievements was turning 1 thousand dollars into 25 thousand dollars within a span of 2 months.

I then turned that 25 thousand into 6 figures within the next 2 months. It was an awesome summer for me and then I finally decided to quit my job as a cashier and go full time trading (some might question on how I was able to trade everyday with a job, I changed my working schedule around so I would be able to trade everyday, also worked heavily on weekends). Soon after I committed being a full time day-trader, I came across a little stump from August 2018 to December 2018 (4 months), within this period I would make a lot of money one day then lose it all the next. This was another stressful period of time for me. The problem was that I was over trading (I was making way too many trades throughout the day, I would be profitable in the morning then end red on the day). I did not play the quality set ups and bought whatever moved up (I got burned really badly). This is why I now only play quality/A+ set ups now. Quality over quantity any day.

I am very thankful to be in the position that I am today. I recently bought my first dream car a month ago (BMW i8), paid off my parents house/car, and will soon plan some vacations out. If had I quit day-trading when I was at my low I would probably still be working minimum wage and living day by day. It isn’t easy doing what I do, trading in the stock market is VERY risky and if you do not know what you’re doing then you will lose a lot of money. However, do not let that scare you away. I live by a saying, “Put in half the effort, expect half the results”. If you put in the work/dedication into anything, then you can make a career out of it. There is no limit to what you can achieve. Do not let losses bring you down, use them as lessons to make you better. If you are interested getting into the stock market please check out: https://royaltytrading.com/ ; don’t make the same mistakes as I did and educate yourself before diving in.

“You lose some and win some, long as the outcome is income.” – Drake

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Seriously beautiful story man!🙌🙏

  2. Love the car! I also love the quote – “You get what you put in”

  3. Very Motivating and Hats off to your persistence. You are also a great human at heart and has been helping all of us! I strongly believe a strong karma helps rewarding a better success. Wishing you all the best and many many more years of success to help newbies like us.

  4. Amazing story🙏🙏

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